Feel Like You Have Nothing Left in the Tank?

Low testosterone–or Low T–can negatively affect men of all ages. It’s more than just feeling tired 24/7; men often experience the symptoms of low testosterone, such as muscle loss, erectile dysfunction, difficulty concentrating, weight gain, and much more. If you don’t have the energy to get through the day, if you can’t remember the last time you and your spouse had sexual intercourse, and notice your relationships and work are suffering, it may be your testosterone levels affecting your ability to live your best life. Testosterone replacement therapy is a safe and effective option for restoring your life.


Live and Perform to Your Full Potential With Testosterone Optimization Therapy


Declining Testosterone Levels Are Common But Do Not Have to Be a Fact of Life

Testosterone levels in men generally peak during adolescence and early adulthood. As men get older, their testosterone level gradually declines by about 1 percent a year after turning 30 leaving many men -- aged 50 and above -- with low testosterone levels. For many, this goes unnoticed, undiagnosed, and untreated. Those men are left feeling the effects, including fatigue, low sex drive, lack of motivation, decreased mental clarity, weight gain, and even depression.

Fortunately, there are safe and practical solutions that can help optimize your testosterone levels, improving your way of life.

What Are The Symptoms of Low Testosterone?

  • Constant Fatigue/lack of energy

  • Lack of motivation and drive

  • Lack of focus and concentration

  • Poor Sleep

  • Crabby/irritable

  • Weight gain and belly fat

  • Low sex drive

  • Depression and anxiety

  • Athletic performance decline

  • Joint pain

  • Muscle loss and decreased muscle strength

  • Brain Fog

  • Erectile dysfunction

Important Benefits of Testosterone Optimization

  • Increased Energy

  • Elevated Sexual Performance

  • Enhanced Work-Out Recovery

  • Increased Muscular Strength + Stamina

  • Improved Cognition + Mental Clarity

  • Reduced Depression + Anxiety

  • Better, Sounder Sleep

  • Elevated Mood

  • Positive Changes in Body Composition

  • Improvement in Joint + Muscle Pain

  • Improved Cardiovascular Function

  • Decrease in Belly Fat

How Does Prism Deliver TRT?

While many different forms of testosterone are available, not all forms are equally safe and effective. The medical staff at Prism Medical are dedicated to giving you not only the best treatment available but the most effective, which is why we focus on an injectable replacement. In addition to Testosterone by injection, you will receive additional medications to ensure your estrogen levels stay at an appropriate level and your body continues to make its own testosterone.

FAQ For Our Testosterone Optimization Program


How much does it cost to find out if TRT is right for me?

Your initial consultation is no charge. Depending on your insurance you could get the cost of the blood draw reimbursed. If you start a TRT program with Prism labs are included in the package. Out of pocket labs usually run around $135.

How long will I be on testosterone optimization therapy?

Hypogonadism is a chronic condition for most men. Some suffer short-term Low T resulting from infection or physical or emotional stress. Treating the infection heals the physical damage or alleviates the emotional stress, and proper testosterone levels return. Men who have been experiencing symptoms for months are considered chronic and need ongoing treatment.

The symptoms return when you discontinue therapy. This is similar to diabetics needing insulin or patients who take medication for thyroid issues.

What happens if I stop the testosterone optimization program?

In general, the body will restore hormone levels back to the pre-treatment baseline within 3 to 6 weeks after bio-identical hormone replacement is stopped. The reason this occurs so effectively and efficiently is due to the use of gonadorelin as it stimulates testosterone production via the testes (preventing testicular shrinkage). In general, it is safe to say that most men prefer the benefits of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy and choose to continue with treatment long term.

Is testosterone a steroid?

Yes. Testosterone is a steroid, but not all steroids are testosterone. Several other naturally occurring steroids are present in the body, including cortisol and estrogen. The term “steroid” refers to a common chemical structure.

Prism Medical is not an anabolic steroid clinic. Men who use anabolic steroids (those seen in bodybuilding competitions) have extremely high levels of testosterone and do not qualify for therapy.

Will my testes shrink on testosterone optimization therapy?

At Prism Medical, we often suggest the inclusion of a decapeptide called gonadorelin to be used in conjunction with testosterone. An amazing benefit of utilizing compounded gonadorelin is that it will help to prevent any unwanted testicular atrophy. Compounded gonadorelin is included in the Testosterone Optimization Program and is administered in the form of an oral tablet to keep the testes functioning properly. For men who are concerned about fertility, gonadorelin is a great option as it will also stimulate sperm production as well as increase testosterone.

What is the difference between injections and gels or creams?

Injection administration makes it easier to determine the amount of testosterone your body receives, and it is much simpler to modify the dose. Injections allow you to achieve optimal levels of testosterone to maximize outcomes while minimizing side effects. The chances of secondary exposure to other household members can be higher with the gels and creams.

Dr. Buckle discusses all of the options with you at your initial consultation. If you are currently using a gel or cream and want more information from the men’s health care specialists at Prism Medical, please call or schedule a consultation online.

What is the cost of the testosterone optimization program?

The cost of our program comes out to $250 monthly, paid out quartlerly or bi-annually (every 3 or 6 months). This comprehensive approach includes:

  • All product & supplies for your specific program (3 or 6 month supply)
  • A One-hour office visit with Dr. Buckle every 6 months
  • Lab work with interpretation & insightful feedback every 6 months (includes bi-annual comprehensive labs)
  • InBody Composition Analysis during each biannual visit
  • Concierge medication refill service
  • Iodine Px (oral supplement), suggested to be taken 3 times per week ongoing
  • 10% off premium and professional grade supplements with Fullscript
  • Accessibility to Dr. Buckle by email or phone with personalized care

We see patients for low testosterone, libido, and low muscle mass. We focus on total Men's Wellness.
Call us to book your appointment today.

What is Prism’s Process for TRT?



  • Fill out our New Patient Application

  • Schedule a consultation with Dr. Buckle

  • Go over your medical history, symptoms, and goals

  • Complete a full-diagnostic blood test


Review Lab Results

  • Dr. Buckle will go over your labs and create a baseline

  • Discuss Treatment Options

  • Personalize a Plan to Help You Reach Your Goals


Start Your Program

  • You’ll receive a kit containing three or six months of hormone treatment, depending on Dr. Buckle’s recommendations.

  • You will administer your hormone therapy on one or two days every week, as determined by Dr. Buckle.

Going forward, you will have your personalized program monitored closely by Dr. Buckle, with our team supporting you at every step of the process. You will need to come in around every 5-6 months to review your blood work and renew your medication prescription.


Want to Get Started?

During your initial discovery session, Dr. Buckle will discuss your unique concerns, review your health history, answer any questions, and order necessary lab work. He will also discuss the benefits and potential risks of treatment to allow you to make an informed decision. Once Dr. Buckle can review all of the necessary lab work, he will compose a complete and personalized treatment plan tailored to your individual needs.

Your treatment plan will include compounded bio-identical testosterone along with any other medications Dr. Buckle may recommend. As a Naturopathic Doctor, dietary and lifestyle changes are integral to Dr. Buckle’s practice and philosophy. To help improve the effectiveness of testosterone therapy and overall wellness, he will give dietary and lifestyle recommendations throughout your program based on your lifestyle. Dr. Buckle will also monitor your lab work over time to ensure that the dosages and medications recommended are correct for you and not causing any unwanted side effects. 

Prism Medical is committed to offering only the safest, most effective treatments and protocols with your health in mind! We can’t wait to help you start on the road to proper health and wellness!