Turbo Charge Your Sexual Performance With Your Own Platelet-Rich Plasma


A Cutting-Edge Therapy That Can Help You Regain Your Sexual Potency

PRP for ED therapy can be the treatment to help you regain your sexual confidence. Dr. Buckle understands just how important sexual performance can be for most men and is excited to offer a regenerative treatment that increases erection firmness, sensitivity, and staying power. PRP for ED harnesses your body’s own ability to regenerate unhealthy, dysfunctional tissue safely and naturally.

Our practitioners at Prism Medical have seen hundreds of patients seeking a natural ED treatment and are proud to be able to offer PRP as a solution! Read on for more info.


What is PRP?

PRP stands for Platelet-Rich Plasma and is a natural product made from your own blood that contains a high concentration of one’s own platelets. These platelets are known to contain over 30 biologically-active growth factors that effectively promote tissue remodeling, repair, and homeostasis!

  • Increased length and girth

  • More pleasurable orgasms

  • Improved circulation

  • More youthful appearance

  • Stronger erections

  • Increased arousal and libido

  • Enhanced stamina

  • Reduces the “refractory period,” or the time between erections

FAQ For The PRP for ED Treatment


+ How does Platelet-Rich Plasma Treat ED?

A number of distinct growth factors found in PRP have been found to be extremely valuable in improving sexual performance, including growth factors that enhance blood flow, regenerate nerve tissue, and promote skin and soft tissue health.

+ How is PRP for ED given?

PRP for ED is a painless treatment that starts with a quick and easy blood draw in our office. The blood is then centrifuged into platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and activated with calcium chloride which causes the release of growth factors through a process known as Platelet-Rich Fibrin Matrix or PRFM.

+ Who is a good candidate?

Similar to other regenerative medicine procedures, the ideal patient is one who does not smoke, eats a low-inflammatory and minimally processed diet, and exercises regularly. This is because the platelet quality and healing capacity of the patient is most often dependent on an individual's overall health. Dr. Buckle can help determine if you are a good candidate for this regenerative procedure and help you make the changes necessary to optimize the treatment’s effectiveness.

+ How long will the results last?

While individual results vary based on many factors such as (but not limited to) hormone status, nutrition, inflammatory state, and metabolism, most patients can expect results from PRP for ED treatments to last up to one year.

+ Is it safe?

PRP for ED is a very safe treatment. The solutions used for the procedure are platelet-rich plasma derived from your own blood and do not contain any harmful drugs or chemicals.


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Want to Get Started?

Go ahead and apply to be a patient at the button below if you have not spoken to one of our practitioners about your concerns yet. Dr. Buckle will review your health history, answer any questions you may have, and may order any necessary lab work. He will also discuss the benefits and potential risks of treatment to allow you to make an informed decision. Once Dr. Buckle is able to review all of the necessary information, he will compose a complete and personalized treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs.
