Harness the Power of Your Body’s Own Growth Factors to Heal From Injury


An innovative use of your own blood cells to facilitate healing.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections are an excellent treatment option for the repair of chronic degenerative joints, ligaments and tendon injuries. This innovative procedure has revolutionized the way injury, pain, and diseases of aging are treated! 

PRP is a natural product made from you own blood that contains a high concentration of one’s own platelets. These platelets are known to contain over 30 biologically-active growth factors that effectively promote tissue remodeling, repair, and homeostasis! In the body, healing generally slows or stops 6-12 weeks after an acute injury. If an individual has had no improvement within or beyond six weeks of the injury or trauma, it is possible that the healing phase has stopped and PRP can be just the treatment needed to restart this critical process. 

PRP injections can get you active and doing the things you love again in as little as 1-3 treatment sessions!


Platelet-Rich Plasma is helpful in treating:

  • Acute musculoskeletal injuries

  • Chronic musculoskeletal pain

  • Shoulder pain and labral tears

  • Rotator cuff partial tears

  • Hip pain and labral tears

  • Meniscus tears

  • Unstable and loose joints

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Chronic sprains and strains

  • Low back pain

  • Sciatica

  • Tendonitis / Tendonosis (Including golfer’s and tennis elbow)

  • Plantar fasciitis

PRP May Be the Solution You’ve Been Looking For

  • Platelet-Rich Plasma is our most potent treatment to heal damaged tendons, muscles, joints, and ligaments

  • The concentrated platelets release many biologically-active proteins responsible for attracting stem cells and the immune system that promote removal of degenerated tissue, but also enhance tissue regeneration

  • PRP can provide a more robust response than dextrose prolotherapy alone

Dr. Buckle is passionate about redefining how chronic pain, injuries, and joint dysfunction, like arthritis, is treated. As a licensed Naturopathic Doctor, he understands that our body’s innate ability to heal is intimately related to our nutrition, lifestyle, and hormone status. The old model of orthopedics disregards these fundamental aspects and use suppressive therapies such as cortisone injections, pain medications, and surgery that only mask the problem without addressing the cause for your injury or pain.

At Prism Medical, our model for treating orthopedic injuries utilizes the best of nutrient therapies, strength training, hormone optimization, and regenerative injection techniques to not only address the cause of your pain, but also improve the long-term health of your joint. Take advantage of a complimentary discovery session call with Dr. Buckle to see if Platelet-Rich Plasma would be your best option toward pain relief.