You Do Not Have a Viagra Deficiency

Talking about issues of ED can be challenging for many men. But it should not be. Most guys who experience ED notice a loss of self-confidence that can deeply impact their romantic and personal relationships depleting their health in a myriad of ways. What most men do not realize is that there are options other than Viagra or Cialis that can lead to permanent and lasting results. While these drugs can be helpful in the short-term, they often only mask the problem without addressing the many root causes. 

Prism Medical has helped many men achieve their sexual performance goals and address issues such as ED, Peyronie’s disease, low testosterone, and premature ejaculation. Our unique training and insight in Naturopathic medicine enable us to look beyond medications and to treat the problem more holistically. See some of our treatment options below.


Shockwave Therapy for ED

Our treatment provides a non-pharmaceutical, non-surgical, and completely painless approach to addressing the root cause of ED. By utilizing subtle sound waves, it effectively breaks down plaque and encourages the body's own regenerative processes within the penile tissue. Many men observe notable enhancements in erectile quality and overall sexual satisfaction, with some experiencing immediate benefits after just the first session.

Platelet-Rich Plasma ED Treatment

PRP is a non-surgical treatment option for ED which harnesses the body’s own growth factors from a patient’s blood, also known as Platelet Rich Plasma. The injection of these platelets directly into the penile tissue initiates a process or repairing and stimulating the growth of new blood vessels. Platelet-Rich Plasma is an excellent procedure that can result in stronger erections and increased sensation.


PT-141, also known as bremelanotide, is an exciting new treatment option for men seeking an alternative to the little blue pill or for those who would like to optimize their sexual performance.

Low Testosterone

Many men and doctors are aware that low testosterone can lead to a lower sex drive. However, what most guys and even other doctors may not realize is that low testosterone can be the primary cause of ED as well. Dr. Buckle is highly trained and experienced in optimizing a man’s hormones to improve erection quality and overall health. Often times, simply addressing low testosterone is enough to reverse ED!