What Hormone Pellets Are All About

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Hopefully, at this point, you’ve had a chance to read the two previous posts about how and why testosterone replacement can be so beneficial for women as well as the potential signs and symptoms experienced by women dealing with androgen deficiency. If not, please go back and check out the two most recent blog posts! 📖

This third post of the series is going to dive a little into my favorite method of bioidentical hormone replacement (BHRT) for women, hormone pellet therapy. Unfortunately, many women do not even realize that this option exists for them. 

If you aren’t familiar, hormone pellets are just what they sound like! They are compounded bioidentical hormones that are made into tiny little cylinders about the size of a grain of rice that gets placed just under the skin during a quick in-office procedure. Using a small amount of local anesthetic, the procedure itself is painless, simple, and takes just under 5 minutes to do from beginning to end.

The pellets themselves, which in my practice are often testosterone alone (yes, even for women), will completely dissolve at a steady rate over a period of 3-4 months giving you all of the wonderful benefits of testosterone that I mentioned in the previous posts such as increased memory, energy, bone density, sex drive, mood, motivation, cognition, improved body composition, and relief from the frustrating symptoms of menopause.

For women, this is a great solution for a common problem because now you don’t have to worry about applying creams daily, taking pills, or giving yourself injections. 🙌

While it is quickly becoming the “modern” way to treat hormone imbalances in women, the truth is that hormone pellets have been around since the 1930s! They are rapidly gaining popularity as patients and practitioners find out just how convenient, safe, and effective this method really is. 

If you are considering a switch to pellets or have never been on any hormone replacement and looking to start, it’s important to find a provider who is extremely knowledgeable and experienced with hormone pellet therapy. There is a bit of skill in doing the procedure that should not be done by a practitioner who is not routinely doing them. Make sure you ask what their experience is with doing hormone pellets if you are checking out your options locally!

➡️ Click the link below to learn more about testosterone pellet therapy for women! You can also schedule a complimentary discovery session or an appointment at our office located in Rancho Mirage, CA. 

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