Sweet Relief From Joint Pain

Did you ever wonder why that cortisone shot or ibuprofen bottle failed to permanently relieve your chronic pain? What if I told you that it’s because you haven’t been given the entire story of why you’re suffering from joint pain in the first place and that piece of information holds the key to getting rid of your pain for good?

When I explain the cause of most chronic pain to my patients, they often have a difficult time understanding why they have never been told this by their orthopedist. Especially when you consider that this missing diagnosis could have saved them from undergoing unnecessary surgeries, taking harmful NSAIDs, and having potentially destructive cortisone injections.

So here’s the truth.. that chronic pain that you have been suffering from is most likely a result of joint instability caused by injuries to your ligaments! This concept can be kind of a head scratcher when you hear it for the first time so let me explain. 

Our ligaments are stabilizers that hold bones together very tightly. This creates significant stability that allows us to run, jump, lift, and move without damaging other soft tissue structures. When under force, ligaments will normally stretch some but when the force is gone, the ligaments should return back to their normal tension. 

Issues arise when ligaments are stretched too far and for too long which can cause them to remain stretched or loose long-term. This ligamentous laxity results in instability which leaves the joint susceptible to damage and consequently pain. 

It’s no secret that our western lifestyle is detrimental to our health, but did you know that it is also destroying our joints? Prolonged immobility, deconditioning, poor nutrition, obesity, and hormone imbalances are all contributing factors that can make us more susceptible to ligament injuries. Two common examples of ligament injuries are impacts such as whiplash or even prolonged poor posture (that desk job is probably causing even more harm than you thought). 

At this point, you probably know where this is going. In order to permanently relieve your pain, you have to address the cause which is ligamentous laxity and joint instability. Unfortunately, most conventional treatments don’t resolve joint instability!

To successfully do this, we need a treatment that can strengthen the ligaments, tendons, and improve the joint health. Luckily, we have such a treatment! Sugar water. 

Prolotherapy is a non-surgical treatment in which irritant substances (such as dextrose) are injected into damaged tissue to cause a “proliferation” of new tissue. The body responds to these injections by stimulating the normal healing cascade which can help promote healing and repair, reduce pain, improve function, and stop further joining degeneration. 

In traditional prolotherapy, we are not only injecting the areas that are causing pain, but we are treating the entire joint to increase the health and strength of all the soft tissues. This gives us the best chance to resolve chronic pain for good!

Benefits of Prolotherapy

  • Eliminate or reduce pain

  • Repair and regenerate damaged ligaments or tendons

  • Restoration of joint movement and mobility

  • Drug-free therapy

  • Heal injuries quickly

  • Resume normal activity levels even while healing

  • Decreased risk of an injury becoming chronic

  • Avoid joint replacement, arthroscopic, or other surgeries

  • Reduced risk of developing degenerative conditions

  • End the need for harmful pharmaceuticals such as NSAIDs, cortisone injections, and narcotics

  • Simple in-office procedure with little to no down time the following day

➡️ Click the link below to learn more about natural pain solutions such as dextrose prolotherapy! You can also schedule a complimentary discovery session or an appointment at our office located in beautiful Rancho Mirage, CA. 


PMID: 16973787, 21520254, 27429562